We flexibly accompany you on your way to market success. Ideas, design and implementation from a single source? We can do that.
Do you already have a creative agency at hand? Or are you just looking for a proven construction partner for your project? Then get in touch anyway. We start where you need us.
Creative and colourful
Whether it's a trade fair, roadshow or showroom - every question needs its own answer. We always put the space, the function and the added value for the visitor in the foreground. Sit down next to us and actively accompany the development process - we'll be happy to share pen and paper (and coffee) with you.
Project management
Structured to the result
Our project manager is the face, bracket and driving force of the entire process. His goal is your success. As internal planner, organiser and mediator, he ensures structured processes at all levels and represents your interests vis-à-vis trade fair companies and external trades and suppliers. Budget and timeline are not foreign words.
With man and machine
With extensive machinery and the interdisciplinary qualifications of our team of designers, carpenters, electricians, locksmiths, painters and advertising technicians, almost everything can be produced under one roof. This promotes communication and knowledge transfer. Both of these contribute to your project.
The final step
We traditionally promote strong project commitment and identification! As the project progresses, you get to know your site manager early on. He directs the productive steps and leads high-performance installation teams. His goal is the punctual handover on site in the promised quality, at every exhibition venue, nationally and internationally.